Stewardship is the response we make in gratitude to God who is the Source of our time, talent and treasure. Stewardship of treasure is intentional, planned, prayerful and proportional.  Stewardship is the realization that we do not own anything – everything is a gift.  We are but caretakers of all our talents and treasures and God expects us to use these to care for His creation and His ministry.

The Bishop’s Faith Appeal is a way of carrying on God’s ministry.  Each year everyone is asked to renew their commitment to the Gospel in a special way by making a commitment to support the work of diocesan ministries and Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas through your prayers and your financial gifts.

Please feel free to contact any member listed below for more information or assistance.


  • Herbert James, Jr. (Co-Chair)
  • Margaret Taylor (Co-Chair)
  • Sheryl Channell